the labyrinth of urban renewal
Life and Death of Hubei
Life and Death of Hubei
在这个展览中,我们把“湖贝120计划”及其它机构和个人,为湖贝和深圳其他城中村的保留所做的努力,作为“酝酿——发生——影响” 的特殊标本来观察,它们就像在黑暗中一闪一闪的微光,让攸关城市发展和空间安排的现有更新模式和制度中的问题得以暴露,尤其是其中规划与决策的透明度不高与公众参与不足的问题。因此,这里展示的是所有公共第三方在当下参与城市更新的现状和未来一般命运的缩影。所以这个专题展并无意夸大对主流的城市更新地产思维的改变,更遑论说它对湖贝正在进行的拆与建能产生什么实质性的影响了。我们只是在记录和用直观与感性的方式呈现曾经围绕“湖贝更新”在深圳乃至全国的知识界和民间的一些声音与行动,而且远不止是“湖贝120计划”范围所限的其他公共第三方在当时和后来所贡献的智力、心血和希望。假如观众们能够从这里的每个个人自愿采取的行动获得启发和思考,这就是我们最大的成功了。
也许当您不得不面对这样一个简单的问题,这是一个十三岁的小姑娘在看过湖贝后问的问题:如果我们的城市已经有了那么多Shopping Mall,为什么不让一个特区内唯一幸存完整格局的古村留下呢?小姑娘为她的思考画过一幅画。那您会为您的思考做点什么吗?您愿意在迷宫里找出一条路吗?知道您一定会问,迷宫会有出路吗?这么聪明的您肯定也明白回答是:
As the saying goes, desperate times call for desperate measures. I’m sure all of you will empathize with the images and stories you’ve seen and heard outside. We know, of course, that Hubei is not a dog, and neither can its imminent regeneration be so conveniently caricaturized as an adoption of a stray dog. A living, breathing site with 500 years of history cannot simply be reduced to brick and mortar; and even less so, the blueprints of architect or planner. Just like homesickness brings tears and longing, this is to us far more than an old wives’ tale. This is our story, our emotions.
Mind your own business!
That a group of people with almost literally no ties to and stake in Hubei would vex over protecting it has baffled and even offended many. It’s been a year and a half, maybe more – there’s been people and organizations coming together on their own accord, with public good taking precedence over private influence. Again and again they’ve through variegated initiatives illuminated the struggles of Hubei, bringing issues of public participation, big society, and systemic innovation to the fore.
In this exhibition, we present the Hubei 120 City Plan, together with efforts of others who have striven to preserve and/ or develop more equitably and relevantly Hubei and other urban villages. We look at these plans and show how they are planned and implemented, as well as the effects that they have. Individually and collectively these have come to function as ‘flashes in the dark’, uncovering and illuminating the issues and problems that currently bedevil our planning models and systems, especially its lack of transparency and platforms for truly collaborative planning with the public. What we show here can be seen as a microcosm of the general fate of public participation in the planning and regeneration processes in our cities.
As you enter the maze you will see their faces, hear their voices, and feel their heartbeats. You might even internalize their longing. All of these will disorientate you, as it did them. We are all just ordinary people after all. Yet as their best-laid plans and efforts go to waste, repeatedly ignored and glossed over, even the most gentle and pacific critique has turned into doubt and disgruntlement.
No one can really predict how their efforts will really translate into tangible results; much of it is really just anxious experimentation, hopeful silence and re-discovery. If you wish to keep abreast of all that has gone on, you can access this repository by scanning the QR code. You can also speak with people in the group you’ve just joined, and ask them about their motivations, actions and aspirations.
A 13-year-old young lady recently asked in relation to Hubei: if our city already has a smorgasbord of shopping malls, what is stopping us from allowing such a unique space, to persist and exist in all its entirety? She’s also presented her thoughts in this drawing. It’s a simple question, but nevertheless a prescient and powerful one. What will you do with YOUR thoughts and questions? Will you find your own way in this maze? You might ask, is there an exit to this maze? To that I’ll say: it all depends on your willpower. But I’m guessing you already knew that.
But relax, in reality you can leave this maze anytime you want – you just have to ‘lower yourself’ and go under it.
—— "Hubei 120 City Public Plan" Team
Ewbar(严欣然)、Rita Wang、一一、丁炬丹、土木再生、大渔、久原真人、王大勇、史建、冯果川、任珏、刘倩云、齐珉华、许赞红、阮仪三、杜鹃、李景磊、杨阡、杨晓春、沈丕基、张孟泰、张星、林圳岚、周行、春耕-游锰涛、段鹏、都市实践、贾立巍、徐磊青、黄天朗、黄成、黄剑、黄曾鸿辰、棱镜、湖贝居民、廖虹雷、潮汕关公